Pencil Shavings

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Did you know?

That every time you walk into a field, you could be wading though hundreds of spiderwebs? This was what we saw on an early morning run in a Chinese cemetery in Malacca.

Spider webs in a cemetary

How cool is that? Smole calls them spider web blossoms. If you look at it close-up, you'll see a spider in every single web.

Spider in her web

Running makes me smarter, I swear.


smudgi3 said...


mis_nomer said...

I think it is pretty cool actually :)

Anonymous said...

cool yet slightly gross.

Gwynne said...

Wait! You're running through spider webs, in a cemetery?!?! Are you flippin' nuts?!?! Those are some big scary spiders!

For some reason, I wasn't able to view these pictures until, they simply appeared when I loaded up your page. God must have been trying to protect mine eyes, but I guess, He finally gave in. Thanks a lot, God! Eeeek!

mis_nomer said...

Hahaha! You're funny. :)

There was a very narrow path running through the cemetery so I didn't have to run through the grass with the spider webs. The spiders are really very tiny. Besides, I think they were all asleep.