Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happy birthday Smole! :)

happy birthday smole! :)

I wanted to draw the setting sun at MacRitchie, the orange and pink bursting into brillant gold, and the turtles and the monkeys watching us do that funky kickboxing move on the boardwalk in the cool evening breeze. But after three tries, I gave up and drew this cheena postcard instead, to say happy birthday to the coolest, smartest, snazziest dudette in town today.

Happy birthday Smole! :)

(Because the more I look at it, the uglier it looks to me, so I've enlisted the ever-cute Jessie to help me out instead:)

Happy birthday, take two.


Anonymous said...

I think King Charles doggies are awfully cute. I can quite believe that they shed tears for the man when he was executed.

mis_nomer said...

Hmm. I don't know the story you refer to. But yes, they are awfully cute, and smart too. :)

Anonymous said...

Legend has it that the Cavalier King Charles spaniels shed tears when King Charles I of England was executed (beheaded, naturally) as a result of the English Civil War. They are such mournful looking doggies:)

Anonymous said...

wow..i don't think Jessie would shed a tear for anyone she's so blur like that. She may shed pee tho heehee!

Thank you for birthday greetings! i had a fantabulous barrel-tummy, tricep-building bertday!
