Pencil Shavings

Monday, January 01, 2007

On the first day of 2007

Turtle says happy new year

I woke up with a fever.

I steamed a hot dog bun from last year and had it for breakfast.

I made Turtle pose for a picture.

And now I wish all who stop by a good and blessed year ahead!

Some say making new year's resolutions is a useless exercise 'cos we break them by February. But I'm going to make a few anyway.

So hear ye, I, mis_nomer, resolve for the year two thousand and seven, to be less grumpy after work, to be fully present every moment of this blessed life, to be brave, and to remember not to despair because we have a God who cares.


Renohtaram said...

ah, turtle is in a much better position than between the bike & tree ;)

happy new year, mis_nomer! =D

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, my dear friend. =)

Gwynne said...

Happy New Year, Turtle Master! Those are good resolutions. If you don't mind, I'm going to adopt them also. :-)