Pencil Shavings

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Project 365

Her bag broke
In the style of Tetanus' ambitious Project 365.

Tetanus is posting a snapshot a day for a year. It is only 5 Jan, but he's got me hooked.

Check it out!


Anonymous said...

I love project 365 too. i'm planning to make one for myself called project 7. meaning, i'll just post every 7, 17, 27th of the month. yeah, i can't commit to an everyday project. I'm lazy. hehehehhe.

Gwynne said...

I like the idea also, but I think I'll call it Project 52 (giving Blogger some leaway). ;-)

mis_nomer said...

heehee. :) Mine's project when-i-feel-like-it.