Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


可能我觉得华文比较真诚,比较亲密。 比较适合讲心里的话。


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... "It's good to be full" (?)

"It's been along time since I've written in Chinese."

That's all I got, though, and I'm not even sure about that.

Something about Turpan and three months and it's like painting.

colinrt said...

lol... you had to make me work real hard to understand all that gibber jabber... just to find out that you like to write those hollow periods?! gurl, really jiak ba ka eng!!! rofl...

ps: i have given most of my chinese recognition back to my teachers already, you know...

Anonymous said...

Jim and TOT, I'm impressed at your extraordinary efforts! Sorry I didn't have anything important to say. ;)

Anyway Jim, not bad. You got the first line on its head. The rest a bit iffy. :) Here's a translation.

Because I have nothing better to do now that I have eaten and am full (It is a saying, not that I had really eaten, but I probably had.)

It's been along time since I've written in Chinese.
When I write, it is as difficult as vomiting blood.
What I write is not beautiful, so why bother writing?
Maybe it is because I feel that Chinese is more sincere, more intimate, more suited to what the heart has to say.
Maybe it is because I like to draw little circles on the paper.
Draw like this。。Look! There are three here。。。
Beautiful little circles。。。

Anonymous said...

Wow. Actually, my first effort is what I should have posted. It was pretty close, but I didn't think you would say stuff like "look, there are three," "beautiful little circles." Nor did I expect the "vomiting blood" thing which came up as exactly that. Actually, it came back as the single word "hematasis."

And I had no idea the title was a Chinese saying. Google actually translated it correctly, word for word, but it didn't make sense to me as an English saying, so I substituted an American advertising slogan instead.

Fun, though.

Anonymous said...

嗨, 你好.That's how far I can go for now. ~milktea

mis_nomer said...

Vomiting blood vomiting blood vomiting blood... think that will help, Eric? :)


Anonymous said...

very pretty! :) you can actually write something i cannot read ;)

mis_nomer said...

"didn't think you would say stuff like "look, there are three"

Haha! Guess the content stumped you, Jim. :)

I learnt a new word!