Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Twelfth Night by the Thames Shakespeare Company

Twelfth Night was supposedly very popular in Shakespeare day. I actually laughed out loud at the play when Malvolio showed up in yellow stockings, cross gartered and smiling. Gosh, you should have seen his smile. It cracked me up! I suppose people are also amused when women fall in love with women in disguise and men kiss women in men's disguise. That kind of thing is always popular.

The fool is a really interesting character. Going with the idea of disguises, the fool is not what he seems. He possibly may be the most intelligent character on the set, yet he goes around singing songs and playing the fool to entertain others. This idea that things are not what they seem may be found throughout the play: Viola disguised as a man, a forged letter, a brother lost at sea, and the wise fool. The audience is privy to all the schemes and deceptions, which is pivotal for comic effect.

Which makes me wonder... do you think God finds our little deceptions funny?

1 comment:

colinrt said...

He must... otherwise he'd have already blotted us out together with our pathetic little intrigues and machinations...

i think we're an endless source of amusement for Him... a neverending comedy...

or perhaps, He's like an amused parent watching His children try to pull one over on Him when He's already holding all the cards...