Pencil Shavings

Friday, July 13, 2007

On nouns

Something bothers me. I don't know if I should change; although, even if I were to decide that I should, I don't know if I can.

"Although" in the prior sentence is a conjunctive adverb — it links two indepedent clauses, as opposed to to a subordinating conjunction that links dependent clauses.

Thinking about grammar calms me. It forces me to think about insignificant bits of speech, utilising every brain cell in my tiny space so that none can run amok. Grammar takes up too much RAM for that. It is a good thing.

But I really should start in the beginning when talking about grammar, and the beginning is always the noun, defined as a person, place, thing or idea. The way I organise it, there are three types of nouns, those that deal with names, counting, and compounds. Check this diagram out.

Under "Names", we have pronouns, proper nouns (Singapore) and common nouns (country). Under "Count", we have count, non-count, abstract and concrete nouns. Self-explantory stuff. Under "Compound", we have compound nouns (National University of Singapore) and collective nouns (audience).

This is easy enough. Tomorrow we will do pronouns.

[Watch the schoolhouse rock video on nouns here.]

[Get the book.]


Eric Siegmund said...

Completely off topic, did I simply miss an explanation as to why the "Read More!" link now appears on every post, even when there's no extended entry? Is it a Pavlovian style of test for your readers? Will you soon be tabulating and sharing the results? ;-)

smudgi3 said...

yes, 'cher!

Anonymous said...

Nouns first, then pronouns. Very good. It's important to get the antecedents out there first.

mis_nomer said...

Hi Eric, I'm not sure why it is on every post. I keep hoping that it would go away... Hmm. Or maybe I just want you guys to click twice to up my stat counter! ;)

smudgi3, good student! I give you sweet.

Brian, did you say antecedents? You know your stuff! :)

Eric Siegmund said...

Brian is a teacher's pet, Brian is a teacher's pet, Brian is a...

Wait a minute. Brian is also the size of an NFL lineman.

Brian is a really nice and smart guy, Brian is a really nice and smart guy...

Anonymous said...

Am not!

I'm the size of Michael Jordan. He and I have a lot in common, you know. Like height, and weight, and, uh... the state of Illinois...

But that's still big enough to block your view of the chalkboard & affect your GPA, Mr. Smarty Texan.

mis_nomer said...

Ok you two, that's enough bickering in the classroom. Settle down... ;)

Jim Jannotti said...

Nouns rule! Verbs are good too.

Adjectives are to be used only when absolutely necessary.

Adverbs should be shot, speedily.