Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm down to 38

But is it really worth all that sweating and showering and changing of underwear?


smudgi3 said...

In another context I would have said a resounding Yes!, but...

mis_nomer said...

Haha! I was wondering who would pick that up.

Eric, yes a straight line. (Even though I have no idea what you are talking about) ;)

colinrt said...

enigmatic post... down to 38 what?
kg to qualify as a jockey, minutes for the 10km run *which wd be extremely fast*, days to some momentous event, cm in terms of one's bra size?

i assume, however, that whatever it is, must be something desirable, so i'd venture a hesitant, Yes! dammit, of course it's bloody worth it, otherwise why torture yourself with the sweating and showering and changing of underwear?

which begs the question: er... does the sweating, showering and underwear changing occur all at the same time? or are they separate but connected events... *very confused*

Anonymous said...

I am perplexed. The first thing that I thought, and with a reasonable amount of panic too I must mention, is that you're down to 38 kgs. Is that even wise? My dear, enlighten us please.

smudgi3 said...

i thought you meant 38 times left to cycle to work. or am i reading this all wrong?

Anonymous said...

wow, thanks for being so informative Eric. I didn't know what you meant there either. And I believe that the mis is talking about bike rides to and from work.

Gwynne said...

Have you just changed the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?? ;-)

mis_nomer said...

Smudgi3 wins for the most observant reader.

Eric wins for the most informative, or, erm, edifying, comment.

TOT and Elle jointly win for the most confused.

b wins for the best comment reader.

Gwynne wins for the most far-sighted.

And I win for the most bemused blogger. :)

Anonymous said...

*cough* Thanks alot Mis. -_~;