Pencil Shavings

Monday, April 03, 2006

Monday morning attitude

I am only 2% more dissatisfied with my job than Jim, but he quit his job.

Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 50%

Well, you don't have the worst job in the world, but it's not great.
And don't worry, you're not the problem - your company is.
Start looking around for another job, even if you're not totally fed up.
Because in time, you're going to be dying to quit!


Jim Jannotti said...

Maybe I should add a clarification on that post at my place. The meme I did yesterday applies to my current job, not the ministry job I just quit. If I had done the meme for the church job, the percentage would have been much, much higher.

mis_nomer said...

Oh dear. You are 48% dissatisfied with your current job? I should have guessed though...

Jim Jannotti said...

Yes, but it's a step up from where I was. You gotta take the good with the bad. And it usually leaves me lots of time for writing and reading.

I like the people I work with. Even my supervisor isn't too bad. In fact, she agrees with me that my position "sucks" (her word, really).

mis_nomer said...

I guess every job has its good and bad. My manager thinks my organisation is "making use of me" (her words, too). It is a bit depressing, but gotta take it with a pinch of salt.