Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

When I am upset about work

I eat a lot. Today, for lunch I had laksa ($1.80), three pieces of chicken with seeweed ($1), and one cup of iced nescafe mocha ($0.80). Usually I only allow myself only one indulgence every few days. Today I had three at one go. Whoohoo. Belly roll(s) here I come.

I also can't keep still on bus journeys. I fidget and play "snake" on my nokia mobile phone until my eyes go cross-eyed and I feel sick to the stomach. I can't fall asleep either; neither do I have the patience to read; and when I meet a close friend after work, I am snappy and easily irritable.

But it is times like these when the depths of my character is tested. When I feel wronged, exploited, insulted, and I am fuming inside, can I smile at the little sweaty twit boy who bumps into me head-long because he wasn't looking? Can I keep my mouth shut and not gossip about my colleague who has caused me such angst?

Like Jesus says, what is it if you love those who love you? Even the tax collectors do that! (tax collectors in New Testament = very very very bad unscrupulous people) Why why why why why why why why why are the demands of Christ so difficult sometimes?



colinrt said...

we're like that because of the proximity issue... there's a theory that like rats, if humans are forced to live cheek to jowl... 24/7... their aggression level naturally rises above what's normal and hence, you get phenomena like road rage, or airplane rage... or office rage... it's not healthy living this close to one another.. it's not natural... we need more space...

mis_nomer said...

You think so? Sometimes having a community about you is good though. I dunno. Though I have to admit that I get along fine with my colleagues until I actually have to work together with them! ;)

carine said...

Laksa for only $1.80? Cheap!

- carine

mis_nomer said...

Yeah. I work near a school canteen :)

Btw carine, your blog thinks I'm spam..