Pencil Shavings

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Used up words

I've been cleaning out my drawers, tearing up old love letters and old diary entries; and it is gut-wrenching to have all these mementoes all about me, on yellowing paper, like a life spent foolishly.

It is hard to break up. Words get used up. I used to call someone "dear" all the time; now I have wiped that word from my vocabulary, layering over that set of four letters a different shade of meaning. One day, will all the words in the world be used up? Will I run out of words, of passion, of good intentions?

I have so many letters I don't know where to put them. Perhaps once and for all, I should have a huge bonfire to burn all these used up words, and hope for the best in the ashes.

Do you mean that we have more words than we need, I mean that we have too few feelings, Or that we have them but have ceased to use the words they express, And so we lose them ~ Blindness, Jose Saramago, 292

1 comment:

mis_nomer said...

"The fact that you wonder about it at all is an indication that you won't suffer the fate you contemplate."

That was the same reasoning I used when my peers used to worry about whether they had "lost their salvation". :)

But I don't know. You're right in saying that it is not words we need to worry about, but the passion and intentions behind them. Though it is possible to become deadened and narrow-minded.

I suppose we just have to do what we can to stem that.

Thanks for your comment..