Pencil Shavings

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Your morning dose


I know it is only a matter of time before you guys get sick of looking at what I'm eating for breakfast, but hey, it is better than me ranting for a good half page. This isn't even a particularly good picture and I would take another one except I can't because I ate it all up already.

Can you see the steam from my coffeecup? Cool eh? Today's breakfast: Kopi-O (black coffee with sugar), freshly baked jiam tao luo ti ("sharp head bread", or simply, french loaf) with melted cheese and a dollop of butter. Ooh. I can't get the cheese to melt enough without the bread burning though, as you can tell from the photo.


Jim Jannotti said...

Dang. Can you come over here and make me one of those?

Anonymous said...

I can't see the steam from the coffe cup!! *sobs*
C'mon, tell me what's the answer to the wed. morning riddle? Can't you sense my desperation?

carine said...

Hee I usually remove all butter when I have those :P