Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How to insert iCal events/ to-dos with Quicksilver

What an amazing function! I'm so excited about this that I want to do a dance of joy right here, right now. I can add new to-do items and events in iCal using Quicksilver in a few easy keystrokes. Oh gosh, I'm so excited.

Before you start, make sure that you have the "iCal" plugin activated on Quicksilver (Ctrl-Spacebar>Cmd-,>Plugins). Download Calendar Creator. Calendar Creator makes sense of a string of words like "Feb 14 7pm Dinner". Follow instructions on Calendar Creator's site on where to put the file.

Log off, Log on.
Open Quicksilver (Ctrl-Spacebar)
Hit "." to open text input
Type "13 Feb 6pm -- Meet A for dinner"
Press "Tab", type "Cal", choose "new iCal event".
Select the calendar you want it to belong in on the next tab and hit Enter.

And there you have it.

Calendar Creator makes sense of practically everything you throw at it, but for best results use the format "date and time -- name of event". Documentation here.

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