Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's in the little things

I'm back in the office with my large cuppa. I'm in a milk and no sugar phase–which I couldn't get the last few days at home because we had run out of milk–so I'm feeling strangely pleased with my cuppa this morning, so much so that I fired up photobooth and took a photo of me and my cuppa.

It's in the little things.

Like realising this weekend that the little number on the iCal icon tells me the date. See the number "21" below? I think I'm in love.

Or being able to drag and drop photos into the Seashore icon and have the application open it immediately. No more right-click, open with, scroll, choose, click. Just one smooth drag&drop.

Or being able to SMS my sister for free in ten seconds flat, without having to open up my email client.

Or send a file to someone just by dragging and dropping it over the Quicksilver icon.

Jamie Oliver calls it puppy love. I think this just may be forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mac love is true love. :)