Pencil Shavings

Friday, February 16, 2007

My blog has become boring

Ever since I switched to the new blogger and got the MacBook, my blog has become boring. I can't think of anything to write. I'm so deep into figuring out which application is best suited for my needs that I spend all day downloading, researching, configuring, and sometimes uninstalling. I am such a boring person.

It is raining outside. I'm glad for the reprieve. This afternoon was one of those unbearably oppressive days where you feel like you're getting cooked from the inside out. I was going to sit in a cafe and get some work done, but the crowd and the heat just wasn't worth it, so I headed home to have a nap. And my work is still undone. I have become too used to spending tropical afternoons in air-conditioned comfort. God help me when I start my new job.

Save me from myself. Talk to me, please?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh please write about your Mac discoveries, please! Every boring detail! So fascinating to read! Some readers will be lured into getting macbooks too!