Pencil Shavings

Friday, February 23, 2007

I don't know why I bother

When all I have in my mailbox are old love letters anyway.

How to export emails from Outlook to Apple Mail

  1. Download Thunderbird on your PC.
  2. In Thunderbird, import emails from Outlook (Tools>Import)
  3. Go to Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Thunderbird/Profiles folder. Your mailboxes should be somewhere about there. The files you want have no extension. Add a .mbox extension to it. (E.g. inbox becomes inbox.mbox)
  4. Transfer .mbox file to Mac.
  5. Drag and drop .mbox file into folder in Entourage. Wait.
  6. In Apple Mail, import emails from Entourage (File>Import Mailboxes).
By this time, your old love letters will have travelled through a few transmorgifications and email clients to land up in your archived folder in Apple mail, to be opened probably only once in the next five years.


Emma said...

Well, at least you have love letters. I just have boring subscriptions!

mis_nomer said...

Heehee. In time, Emma. Thanks for stopping by!