Pencil Shavings

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My plan this evening


Better to aim for the sky and fall on the trees, than aim for the trees and fall on the ground. Wish me luck. :)

Update: Oh my goodness, what a lovely lovely lovely run. I only ran about 8.5km and I did it fairly slowly, but it was one of those zen runs. Usually I fret about the distance and time and how lousy I'm feeling, but today, I felt like I was made to run! It was a combination of factors I think: the kopi kosong I gulped down before the run, the mental preparation, the cool weather, starting slow, and a new route. It is runs like these that make all the rest worth it. One day I will do the 10.2km above.


Anonymous said...

nice colourful sketch. *laughs* Well, you running freak, good luck!

mis_nomer said...

Elle E. - Well, I've never done a running route in pink before. :) Always a first time.

Eric - I agree!