Pencil Shavings

Monday, May 15, 2006

How to create a Sepia tone with Photoshop

Tip courtesy of Jennifer.

Green bug

1. Open photo in photoshop.
2. Choose Image> Mode> Grayscale.
3. Choose Image> Mode> Duotone.

Ink 1: EB8B23
Ink 2: 000000 (Black)

4. Change back to RGB Color.
5. Change saturation to -40%.

There you have it:


Trivia, also courtesy of Jennifer: the word `Sepia' is greek for cuttlefish. Online etymology dictionary says:

"rich brown pigment," 1821, from It. seppia "cuttlefish" (borrowed with that meaning in Eng. by 1569), from L. sepia "cuttlefish," from Gk. sepia, related to sepein "to make rotten" (cf. sepsis). The color was that of brown paint or ink prepared from the fluid secretions of the cuttlefish. Meaning "a sepia drawing" is recorded from 1863.

Therefore, to create a sepia tone in your photo = I make your photos rotten.

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