Dear Sir/ Madam,
Heeding the PM's call to the young to become more involved in the politics of the nation, I've sat down and thought about things, and come up with a list of things that matter to me.
My list of important things:
- Integrity
Leaders must have integrity, character, and moral fibre, and under no circumstances, accept a bribe or place their greed above the people's interests. - Compassion
I expect a government that looks out for those who need more help -- the poor, the disadvantaged, the elderly, the uneducated, the people without a voice. I expect a government to keep the cost of basic amenities affordable to the poorest among us. - Intelligience
Erm, I mean, good intentions need to be backed up with smarts and sweat so things get done. - A gracious society
Ultimately, I want Singapore to be a decent place to grow up, live in, and grow old in. My Malaysian colleagues say that Singapore is a good place is make money, but not to grow old. That is very sad because I know what they mean. - A place to belong
Well, that's my list so far. This is the first time I'm thinking this through so this list may change.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Nomer
Technorati tag: prisongotnobroadband
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