Pencil Shavings

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I am...

... a waitress.

On a whim this morning, I applied for a part-time waitressing job. The secretary called me back this afternoon, arranged for an interview this evening, and I start this Sunday.

Gosh, what in the world have I done?

He asked me twice why I was doing this when I have a well-paying job, and I could only mutter something about experience, or life, or some other nonsensical stuff.

The truth is, I probably applied because of the pent-up frustration I've been having at work, and the need to do something; anything. I was in a reckless mood at work today and did a few things I will probably regret in the future, one of them being that I now have a job waiting for me on Sunday from 10am to 5pm.

There goes my Sunday. Why did I think that this will make me feel better about myself? I don't know. Why?

I don't know.


Jim Jannotti said...

Woah. That was sudden.

What else did you do that you'll soon regret?

Did you resign from your current position yet; do you plan on it?

Gwynne said...

It sounds like God is telling you what to do, and you're listening! Good for you. This may well just be the stepping stone you need to transition out of the old and into the new, whatever that ends up being. Go get 'em! ;-)

mis_nomer said...

Jim, other reckless things include writing an email to someone I have a crush on, blowing my cover to a local running group here, and almost writing a sarcastic disguised as funny email to a colleague, but I didn't, so at least I'm proud of myself on that one.

Don't think I will quit to be a waitress.. It is hard work at a low pay..

Gwynne, thanks :) But I think I was listening to the disquiet inside rather than to God on this one....

Gosh, I don't know.