Pencil Shavings

Sunday, October 29, 2006

ITB Anonymous: Session II

Hi, my name is Ms. Nomer.

I think I need to learn how to swim.


colinrt said...

my dear mn,

u can't swim? seriously? u know you live on an island, surrounded by water on all sides, right?

and with global warming, the likelihood of singapore submerging is getting greater as the days go by...

u've simply got to learn how to swim... not just for the low impact cardio workout... but at a more fundamental level, it's essential to survival...

mis_nomer said...

Heh. I lied. I do know how to swim. But I don't swim very well and I don't like it very much, and so it never gets to feel like exercise..

Renohtaram said...

i'm an islander too, and i'm also learning how to swim. hehheh... :p