Pencil Shavings

Monday, October 30, 2006


I'm the world's biggest procrastinator when it comes to packing. I have written a list, but I'm dwadling. I'm trying to put off coming to terms with the fact that I have to give a wedding speech, walk down an aisle with questionable-inch heels, be in charge of keeping the groom away from the bride (dangmen), and be fully present all times because it is my sweet friend's big week.


Tetanus said...

Itemize, itemize, itemize! Worked for me, evidently. :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you and best wishes to your friend:)

mis_nomer said...

Useful advice, Tetanus :)

Thanks Elle! :)

Brenda, yay! it got to your sis! I just thought it would be fun, that's all. :) hope it went well for them...