Pencil Shavings

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Online Schizophrenia

5 email accounts, 4 monikers, 3 flickr accounts, 2 blogs,

and only

1 me.


Anonymous said...

=) And 3575631 passwords.

colinrt said...

which is what protopage is great at... i grouped all my email inboxes into one page and can see which needs checking... heh heh...

oh, btw.. my protopage of your blog was blocked by office firewall too... i was too quick to rejoice... sigh...

mis_nomer said...

actually i only have 1 password, but don't tell anyone.. shh!

Thanks TOT for your email. Been meaning to write back. I really don't know how my blog is insidious.. Strange isn't it? :) I have yet to use protopage to keep track of my email.. maybe I'll test it out. Thanks!