Working on a powerpoint on a Mac is driving me up the wall. What usually takes me 5 seconds takes me 5 minutes. It is very frustrating.
- The text is too small. In fact, all the text in a Mac is too small. Am I that old already?
- Scrolling is TOO SLOW! Oh gosh, I get irritated every time I have to scroll. The speed of my mouse and trackpad is already set to the fastest in System Preferences.
- In fact, every thing moves too slowly in Powerpoint. Moving a text box, or anything is slow. Dang it, I have 1GB RAM! It ought to move faster than that!
- When I paste something into powerpoint, that paste option button doesn't show up and I can't for the life of me figure out how to paste it with the new formatting. I am not happy.
- I don't have photoshop.
I cannot cope with having to go through three steps in Seashore just to rotate a simple picture.*Or not knowing how to get a colour's exact RGB**. Or not being able to right-click to save an embedded picture. - Burning a CD or bypassing the region settings on DVD just ain't that easy anymore.
- And I miss my 5.1 speakers.
** Use the colour sampler tool in the toolbar. It looks EXACTLY like the tool in photoshop, unlike the crop tool (bottom row, right), which looks like a scalpel.
***To invert an image in Seashore, Selection>Effects>Colour>Invert.
****Seashore has won back my affection. For now.
I got frustated when I can't import a CD into mp3. I tried for 10 min and couldn't get it done. I gave up trying and called for help in the end.
Photo editing with Graphic Converter?
Keynote! Keynote!
Hopfeully Office 2008 won't suck so much...
MOFW, it took me a while to figure that one out too!
Sivasothi, I didn't realise it will be this bad! No wonder Mac folks don't like Powerpoint! It runs so slow on a Mac. It is actually very decent on a Windows machine, capable of creating really good stuff, once you've figured it out. Meanwhile, I will see if I can fix this scrolling problem cos it is driving me nuts.
Thanks for the link to Graphic Converter. :) I'll check it out.
Wait until you try heavy-duty manipulation on Excel!
BTW, about the Entourage versus Mail debate, I forgot to mention that Mail 3 on Leopard promises much more.
Of course you'll have to compare it with Entourage 2008 but if you are starting out, Mail's seamless integration with other services is attractive.
I am very sad. Excel was the primary reason I bought the Microsoft Office Suite. Maybe I can get used to this.
On the Mail vs. Entourage front, I've decided to use Apple Mail because I really like Address Book. And you're right, I like the way iCal, Address Book and Mail are integrated with each other. Although has less bells and whistles than Entourage, it responds faster on my machine, and I am growing to like the "clean uncluttered look".
Btw, I appreciate your comments and advice!
Keynote is a definite must-buy. Wait till the next version of iLife hits the shelves.
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