Pencil Shavings

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Carine has saved me from the tedium of having nothing to post by tagging me with a meme. Yay!

1. Four jobs I've had:
- Toilet cleaner
- Grass waterer
- Researcher
- Powerpointer

2. Four movies I would watch over and over:
I don't usually have the patience to watch movies more than once, but there are some scenes in these that I love.
- Finding Nemo
- Ocean's Eleven
- Shrek

3. Four favorite TV shows:
Embarrassingly, I like Charmed a lot.

4. Four places for vacation I have been on:
- Medan, Indonesia
- Womberra, Australia
- Texas, USA
- Bali, Indonesia

5. Four places I’ve lived:
- Arkansas, USA (5 years)
- Singapore (everything else)

6. Four favorite foods:
- Wan ton mee
- Pepperoni pizza
- Coffee
- Chicken rice

7. Four things to do in my spare time:
(Well, these are the top four items in my to-do list.)
- Set up new table
- Move book shelf
- Cut hair
- Buy shredded carrots, turnip and sashimi

8. Four people to tag:
- Anyone else who has run out of things to blog.

9. Four websites I visit daily:
- Protopage
- Gmail
- Those on my "websites I stalk" list
- Blogspot

10. Four places I’d like to be RIGHT NOW:
- In bed dreaming about something pleasant
- Sitting at a deck facing the sea in Bali with a friend, sipping wine
- At home celebrating the end of a bond I have not yet started
- In my room, except that it has already been cleaned and organised

(I think I've done this one before... but it is too late to go check...)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the tag ehhe :)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I feel like I need to discontinue my blog. it seems extremely boring to me. who would want to read about my life? *snooze*

Anonymous said...

You're most welcome Carine, and congrats! Happy for you. :)

b, I think blogs go through phases. Mine is definitely going through a boring phase. Hang in there..