Pencil Shavings

Saturday, May 06, 2006

best laid plans

It is 7:30am. I have drunk a cup of coffee, eaten two Jacob's breakfast biscuits, put in my contacts, got into my running gear, vaseline'd, decided the route I want to run, and....... it is raining.

Best laid plans of mice and men

Tsk. Now I am stuck at home with all this coffee in my system so I can't go back to bed.

But I am happy with being here right now. I love it in the mornings.. it feels so fresh; the day screams with potential. Shall I run? Shall I read? Shall I meet a friend? Shall I work? I once had a pastor who said that when he had a particularly bad day, he would just go to bed, because he had used up the day's mercies and "his mercies are new every morning." That's a bit literal way of looking at things, but that's how I feel in the mornings (on the weekends): refuelled! raring to go!

Of course right now I can't go anywhere and you are stuck with me.

I have the song "Flood" by Third Day playing on my comp (`Rain rain on my face/ Hasn't stopped raining for days..")


Anonymous said...

What do you mean "it's raining?!"

Don't you know of the postman/runner's motto?

"Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night shall keep me from my appointed rounds/runs."

mis_nomer said...

Heh. Dear coach, I am proud to say that I did go for the run after all, which felt more like a swim than a run at the end of it. :)

Re: the motto, I'm so glad it doesn't sleet or snow or hail in Singapore.

Gwynne said...

So glad you ran anyway...good for you. What's a little rain when you're sweating anyway (er, I'm assuming you sweat when you run...I know I do)?

mis_nomer said...

Exactly Gwynne! And you are less salty at the end of it too. :)