Pencil Shavings

Monday, May 29, 2006

And so I'm off!

and looking longingly back.


colinrt said...

off?! off where?!

you can't go off?! you haven't filed your exit permit application with me yet!!

what am i supposed to do while you're off?!!

come baaaaaaaaack!!!! nooooooooo....

Anonymous said...

off where?
off the air?
off your rocker?
off the cuff?
pissed off?
turned off?

laughing your head off?

Off with her head!

colinrt said...

hmmm.... so, she's off to the lone star state... george w country... oh dear... how droll...

ah well... have a good holiday and say howdy to the cowfolk, pardner... yeeehaw and all that...

Renohtaram said...

when do u get back?

mis_nomer said...

Sorry about not answering questions the last week. I haven't been to my site at all since.

I'm in Texas. And I'm still here, won't be there till some time next week. :)